Tiger Sharks postseason standout junior Chance Gainer (#2) heads to the end zone for his second punt return touchdown of the Region 2 playoffs last season. [ James Jackson | The Star ]
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Tiger Shark star athlete dies after collapsing on field

A star athlete for Port St. Joe High school collapsed on the field Friday night during the Tiger Sharks game in Bristol against Liberty County, and later passed away at a hospital in Blountstown.

Port St. Joe senior Chance Gainer, 18, a multi-talented athlete and top student, collapsed at midfield just before halftime, and after efforts to revive him, with the assistance of a defibrillator, he was transported to Calhoun Liberty Hospital where he passed away.

“We lost an exceptional young man, a star athlete and a stellar student academically,” said Superintendent Jim Norton. “He was an exceptional human being and a role model to the young kids. At this moment I am 100 percent certain that Chance is in the presence of Jesus Christ in everlasting perfection.”

The school district opened the high school following the return of the team Friday night, and grief counselors were available to help students and families work through this devastating loss.

Norton said that both State Sen. Corey Simon and State Rep. Jason Shoaf, as well as Gov. Ron DeSantis and Florida Education Commissioner Manny Diaz Jr., were informed of the young man’s death.

“Already the outpouring of support and prayers has been phenomenal,” he said. “Leaders across the state all wanting to express their love and uplifting in prayer for the Gainer family.”

A 5-foot, 11-inch, 170-pound skilled back on both offense and defense, Gainer, who wore #2, is the son of Gal and Johnny “J.J.” Gainer, and brother to Troy, Aiden, Rick and Jaylon.

Gainer’s academic achievement, with a better than 4.0 grade point average, matched his athletic accomplishments, which were accentuated by his having scored twice, including a 70-plus yard touchdown in the Friday game against the Bulldogs.

“He had recently been invited to Vanderbilt University and he was excited about the possibility of going there,” said Norton.

He said that the fans at the stadium in Bristol recited in unison the Lord’s Prayer at halftime, as the ambulance transported Gainer to the hospital.

“The grief has been overwhelming,” Norton said. “Right now the Gainer family is in shock and we’re just trying to love them and do everything we can to support them today and on to tomorrow. We’re going to be there for them in the coming days.”

Meet the Editor

David Adlerstein, The Apalachicola Times’ digital editor, started with the news outlet in January 2002 as a reporter.

Prior to then, David Adlerstein began as a newspaperman with a small Boston weekly, after graduating magna cum laude from Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts. He later edited the weekly Bellville Times, and as business reporter for the daily Marion Star, both not far from his hometown of Columbus, Ohio.

In 1995, he moved to South Florida, and worked as a business reporter and editor of Medical Business newspaper. In Jan. 2002, he began with the Apalachicola Times, first as reporter and later as editor, and in Oct. 2020, also began editing the Port St. Joe Star.

Wendy Weitzel The Star Digital Editor


  1. How much more can these families take. Their child taken away from them tonight.
    Losing a child is most horrible thing to happen to a family as we lost our Daughter in 2014.
    I’m praying for this precious Family as you should never out live your children

  2. Just read about star player and stand out student Chance Gainer and wanted to express my condolences and prayers to the Gainer family and to Chances friends. Such a sad story for such a fine young man. My family extends our heartfelt sympathy to his family and friends. God Bless.

  3. This truly breaks my heart! I know that this tragedy will never be understood by his loved ones and there will never be enough words that will heal their broken hearts. But to anyone experiencing this please listen: Prayer and memorials help heal the soul of the living and also help to guide lost spirits. God is always present every step of the way and God along with his early angels will help loved ones cope until it is their time to transition. May his beautiful body RIP while his spirit and soul descends to the next realm where he is needed the most, Amen.

  4. This is just so heartbreaking prayers to his family and friends. Words can’t express the sorrow and pain I know there going thru God please give them the peace and understanding they need! My deepest condolences 💐

  5. I’m loss of words 💔 😕 😔 😪 I am praying for the entire family I know what you’re going through I’ve been there 💔 🙏 😔 😢 loss one of my talented stand out at the age of 21
    Death is never easy as parents,we never heal from the tragedies we have to pray through it.
    My deepest condolences to Gal ,JJ,Troy, Aiden,Rick and Jaylon
    I will continue to pray for you all
    I know how you feel
    Try to stay strong and positive .God bless and I’m so so sorry for yall loss
    SIP #2 CHANCE GAINER 👼 🕊 🕊 🕊 🕊 🕊

  6. I was so devastated to wake up to such sad news! My heart is shattered for JJ , Gal, TJ,& Aiden ..& the entire extended families because I know how close knit they are . The entire PSJ community (near and far) is devastated because everyone knew Chance – the baby of the Gainer house… always doing something mighty beyond what he looked capable of doing! Keeping you guys in my prayers fervently !

    1. Ma’am, I don’t know who you are but your comment is out of context and completely inappropriate. What if this was your child, would you appreciate someone making a comment like the one you made about your child! SMH 🤦🏽

    2. Seriously!!! How insensitive can you be!! Regardless of how you feel about political things this is not the time or platform to comment on!! How would you feel if your child died and someone wanted to use your tragedy as a political statement!! I hope you never have to go through what this family, this community, and our children are dealing with right now!! I can’t believe what our world is coming to that this is ok!! God Bless us all!!

    3. Please take this down…I mean really. The family does not need any negativity at this time. Try to be a decent human being for once.

    4. Not that it’s any of your business, or even your right to know but it wasn’t Covid and he did not take the vaccine.
      So you look like an idiot – twice.

  7. For a community that has suffered so much recently. The loss of 2 students a few years ago. Hurricane Michael that devastated the area and community. Now the loss of life of a young member of the community continues to effect the community. My son plays on the middle school team and my daughter was at the game. It rattles everyone to the core. Our thoughts and prayer are with the family. However, this is Port St Joe. We are Port St Joe Strong. We all are a family. We understand tragedy. We understand how to be there as a community for each other. This will only reinforce how great this town and community is and how much everyone cares. To the Gainer family, we can’t begin to understand the pain you feel with the loss of a child, but we all can be there for you. God bless you and your family. The community is here for you. We are PORT ST JOE STRONG!!!

  8. Sending my deepest heartfelt condolences to the Gainer family and the entire Port St. Joe community. 🙏🏽🙏🏽

  9. Words cannot express how devastating it is to hear that we have lost other young athletes from our community. A few weeks ago, I was talking with his dad, J.J. about how excited his son Chance was about the upcoming football season and his prospect of playing collegiate football. Now this has happened, my heart goes out to his family and friends. I am praying for you all my sincere condolences 🙏🏽 for your loss.

  10. Gal and JJ you have my deepest condolences and prayers for your family. I can’t even begin to imagine the pain and grief that you’re feeling. May the Lord wrap you all in His arms and walk with you in these difficult times. I pray He surrounds you with family and friends to help you get through. I love you guys and you’re in my heart.

  11. Praying for peace ,comfort, protection and safety for the Gainer family, our children, and community during this time of loss and mourning. Lord Jesus hedge and protect our community and bring comfort and peace now and into the future as we navigate this time. God rain down your presence and let your goodness be known to all who do not know you and to all who call you Lord of Lords and King of kings. Bless this family today and always and let them draw nearer to you for their strength and hope in the coming days, in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

  12. Prayers for the entire family and friends, students, teachers and teammates. May God’s amazing grace continue to cover you through your life as you remember your earthly loss and Heavenly gain.

  13. First of all, my heart goes out to the Gainer family for their tragic and senseless loss.

    I think it’s time to ask ourselves how many more have to die before people realize that this is a deadly sport for young men, many of whom aren’t yet fully physically developed. According to the National Federation of State High School Associations, “SIX (U.S.) high school players have died within the past month, four of them from heart issues and two from being hit.” Yet those in charge continue to risk the lives of these boys in the name of “The Great American Pastime”.

    “We do everything possible to keep our kids healthy, to keep them free from injury, to help them realize their full potential, then we drop them off in a field and put a big helmet on them and say, ‘Go hit your head as many times as you want and play hard.’ Regardless of where we are with the science, does it make sense to do that?” – Robert Stern, Ph.D., a professor of neurology and neurosurgery at Boston University.

  14. Nothing can be said to take away the pain. Our prayers that God will comfort you as much as possible in the days that come, and know heaven gained another angel that will no longer suffer the evils of this earth.

  15. Gal and JJ, I cannot put into words my heartfelt condolences to your beautiful family, but I will be sending you prayers of strength to get through this tragic loss. I love you Gal 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽💕💕💕 RIL Chance 🕊️🕊️🕊️

  16. The Lord has promised to be close to the brokenhearted. May His love surround you as you navigate these troubled waters. Praying God’s comfort for the family, friends and the entire PSJ community. We are touched by your loss and we know there are no words to ease your pain. Just know that we are praying for you. Rest well young prince! ❤️‍🩹

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