Ron Hart
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Which party is the real ‘threat to democracy?’

Biden got confused again in a recent speech. He was distracted by (his handlers said) an “unfamiliar noise.” The only thing that might have been would be applause.

If you look closely at Biden’s eyes while he stumbles through speeches these days, you can see the “check engine” light flashing.

Of course, he felt cornered after his awkward moment, and instinctively used that focus group-tested Democrat phrase, “Trump is a threat to democracy!” This is not to say that Joe is both scared and hyperbolic in his speeches now, but the captain of the Hindenburg sounded calmer when ordering his crew to go find the fire extinguisher.

Let’s talk about the Dem go-to campaign bumper sticker, “A Threat to Democracy.” Dems are taking a page from, among others (Lenin, Marx, Alinsky), National Socialist Workers Party (aka Nazi) Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, who advised, “Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.” 

With nothing going well from the border, inflation, crime or all the foreign wars they are supporting with our tax dollars, Biden and the Dems needed a campaign slogan, one that redirects voters’ thinking away from Biden’s failures and diverts attention to and demeans Trump. They always seem to use the same old trope: “Trump is a threat to Democracy.” If you ask one of them to define that, he or she never can.

Fundamentally, the United States is not a democracy. We are a constitutional republic. If you have any doubt the Founders wanted a republic and not a pure democracy, look no further than the famous painting of George Washington crossing the Delaware. You will notice that he is the only one not rowing.

So who is really a “threat to democracy?” The Democrats are really more of a threat to our liberties. Here are their top 10 threats to democracy:

  1. Merrick Garland sent DOJ goons to school board meetings where parents were lodging legitimate concerns.
  2. Dems have used transparent lawfare against Trump and his allies. They even aggressively arrested the My Pillow guy in a Hardee’s parking lot. He should contest that arrest to the Food Court of Appeal.
  3. The Democrat Colorado Supreme Court voted not to allow Trump’s name on the ballot. Democrats from Maine essentially tried the same thing.
  4. Trump was framed for treason by the deep blue “Deep State.” O.J. Simpson looked less guilty when he took off for Orange County in that Bronco.
  5. Dems have tried to curtail Second Amendment rights and unilaterally forgive student loan debts to get the young vote.
  6. Dems did not let RFK Jr., when he was polling 18% in their primary, debate Biden. They gave him no oxygen. And, famously, Biden gave him no Secret Service protection. All they did was give him balcony tickets in the Ford Theater and ask him, “Would it kill you to watch a play?”
  7. Fauci and the permanent health industrial complex made us give up freedoms over false COVID scare claims, only recently admitting that they pulled the “stay six feet away” dictate out of their asinine. They lied about the origins of COVID, saying it came from bats. I have long asked that if COVID can travel from China to the USA, who among us thinks it cannot make that last six feet?
  8. Dems and their operatives in the FBI/NSA colluded with Twitter and other willing social media companies to stifle free speech. And look as well at Dems suppressing right-of-center free speech on campuses.
  9. There was no more egregious “election interference” than suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story right before the 2020 election.
  10. Dems prosecuted the January 6 demonstrators with unmeasured and unprecedented vindictiveness.

Usually if you ask a talking point Dem what “Threat to Democracy” means, they will say, “January 6.” They are like soccer players wincing in fake pain, pretending that was a scary day when the cast of Duck Dynasty sauntered through the Capitol Building taking selfies and monkeying with the stapler on Nancy Pelosi’s desk. Oh, dear God!

Oh no, we came close to an overthrow of our government for those three hours. If not for the brave congressmen and congresswomen running for safety blocks away, our democracy may have been lost that day. Give me a break!

“Threat to Democracy” wasn’t always Biden’s go-to phrase. In a speech at Howard University early in his administration, Biden said “white supremacy” was our greatest threat. But in a scant three years in office, Biden has single-handedly destroyed any illusion of white supremacy.

Ron Hart is a syndicated op-ed humorist, award-winning author, and TV/radio commentator; you can reach him at or Twitter @RonaldHart.

Meet the Editor

David Adlerstein, The Apalachicola Times’ digital editor, started with the news outlet in January 2002 as a reporter.

Prior to then, David Adlerstein began as a newspaperman with a small Boston weekly, after graduating magna cum laude from Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts. He later edited the weekly Bellville Times, and as business reporter for the daily Marion Star, both not far from his hometown of Columbus, Ohio.

In 1995, he moved to South Florida, and worked as a business reporter and editor of Medical Business newspaper. In Jan. 2002, he began with the Apalachicola Times, first as reporter and later as editor, and in Oct. 2020, also began editing the Port St. Joe Star.

Wendy Weitzel The Star Digital Editor

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